About this course


Excited you're here!

Most people who have taken this course complete their first pickup swap in 2-3 hours. After a few installs most people can do it in about an hour. So please be patient with yourself and go through each section, we promise it will pay off. Once all of the sections are unlocked (more on that below) you'll have lifetime access to this content and be able to reference this course and the community anytime you're swapping pickups!

How this course is set up

This course is made up of 5 modules. Due to the large amount of information in this course we'll be unlocking it section by section over the next three days. (You can download the full curriculum below.)

  • On Day 1 you'll have access to the Introduction (congrats you're here!)
  • On Day 2 we'll unlock Module 1: How to Solder
  • On Day 3 you'll have access to all Installation modules

Modules 2-5 are set up with the following format:

  • PDF Download (IMPORTANT): At the beginning of each module is an introduction video and a PDF download laying out step-by-step instructions with detailed images that cover the video lessons. NOTE: These PDF's also include additional tips and tricks so it's important to download (and ideally print) these PDF's before you jump into the lessons.

  • Each lesson contains a detailed video that walks you though each step along the way. NOTE: It's ok if you don't have exactly the same guitar as shown in the modules. The information will crossover and work with most styles of guitar brands.

  • Video Transcripts & Captions: Below the video in each lesson you can download and print the video transcript while doing your pickup install or if you just want to scan the info in the lesson without watching the video all the way through. NOTE: You can turn on captions by clicking the "CC" in the lower right corner of the video, and you can even search the captions in the same dropdown where you turn them on.

  • Private SD Tech Community: Upon enrolling in this course, you will automatically be enrolled in our private members-only community. For instructions on how to use and access the community go to the lesson following this called "How to join the private community". Be sure to jump into today and introduce yourself!

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